In-home Activities

Sidney Star is a little girl who is not very confident. She is afraid to try new things, and she is always worried about making mistakes. This story teaches children about the importance of confidence. 

In this story, we meet a little African American boy named Teddy who tells a lot of lies. He lies to his parents, his teachers, and even his friends. But one day, Teddy realizes he has to change his ways. 

In this book, you’ll meet a young girl named Sueyun who is bothered by the lack of honor in our society. With her parents’ guidance, she is able to learn the value of honor, and that it’s always important to be honorable, even when it’s hard.

Sam is a curious boy who loves to explore. He gets into trouble because he doesn’t ask for permission first. This story teaches children the importance of asking for permission. It also teaches children that it’s okay to make mistakes and that it’s important to keep trying.

Teddy Truth is a little boy who never gives up. No matter what challenge he faces, he always finds a way to overcome it. This story teaches children the importance of courage and determination.

 In this book, you’ll meet a brave boy of Indian descent who is afraid of competitive skateboarding. But with the help of his parents, he learns that he’s stronger than he thought he was.

Penny is a little girl who is always getting bullied by Benny the bully. This is a story about the power of friendship and the importance of standing up to bullies. It is a story that will inspire children to be kind and compassionate, and to create a world where everyone feels safe and accepted.

Kasey Kind is a little girl who is always kind and compassionate. This inspiring story teaches children the importance of kindness and compassion. It also teaches children that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world.

John First is a Hispanic boy who is not always patient. He wants to be first to everything, all the time. This story teaches children about the importance of patience. It also teaches children that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that it’s important to learn from them.

Jackie Sweets is a little girl who loves to share. She shares her toys, her food, and even her time with her friends and family. She is always willing to lend a helping hand, and she always makes sure that everyone is included. She knows that sharing is important, and she is proud to be a sharer.

Sam is a curious boy who loves to explore. He’s always getting into trouble because he doesn’t ask for permission first. This story teaches children the importance of asking for permission. It also teaches children that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that it’s important to keep trying.

In this book, you’ll learn all about the important things to do and say, like saying “please” and “thank you,” sharing, and being polite to everyone. You’ll also learn about the special manners that are important for different situations, like at the dinner table, at school, and when meeting new people.

Betty is a young girl who has been adopted. She doesn’t know her birth parents, and she’s always wondered what it would be like to have a real family. This story is a heartwarming tale of love and acceptance. It is sure to resonate with young readers who are adopted or who have friends who are adopted.

Sam is a curious boy who loves to explore. He’s always getting into trouble because he doesn’t ask for permission first. This story teaches children the importance of asking for permission. It also teaches children that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that it’s important to keep trying.